
skul life ♥

wa....2day ar  @ morning hor
tat KY wan me
teman her ply...
the UNO"除大弟"....
i怀疑her ply until SOT jor ~
thn hor PY come liao lor ...
i say KY上瘾ler ar
wan SOT jor ~ >_<
coz w all wan 4 ppl to
ply thn wai ying aso come
ald d ....PY 喊wai ying come
ply together ...
WY dun wan lor ...w all 3 ppl d lor ~
B.O.O.M dao @@ ....
ltr YT aso come ald lor ...
ply ply ply until HS come o...
when HS come hor ...ald wan RING ~~
thn w ply wit HS 1/2 roundsss lor
thn w all no nid go back to dewan &
bilik muzik
w all go anjung D 继续our 鋤大D

me n shan ply until sien thn go see the
ppl tat competition *bola tampar* lor
wa~ they all ar ....
noe how to ply d mar ~
丢完我们bola tampar的人的脸 lur
1st is 开球 aso can out d wor = ="
2nd 有的好接不接给他跌再面前 !!!
reali gv them BOOM dao d lor
n thn hor ...still gt many ppl 看they all ply
if 接不到vry fish d lor ...thn coz
they all nt so geng n shan go back ply
鋤大D lor ~ actually le ...
me d heart ar vry 痒  d lor
coz cnt ply ar ...*bola tampar*
thn w all ask teacher can borrow 1 anot ...
the teacher vry *lc* d say
"tak boleh ambil bola sini ar " T^T
thn w all dun wan  take lor...
thn dunno yi kang ask who
borrow lor ... thn me ,shan ,YT, yi kang ,
uncle "jazz" ,ah cheng , kah yoong  ply
together @ the front of koperasi there lor ~
still gt other ppl plying la
*ting d darling d class lor*
walao ~ pain dao ~the bola is batu ke ?!
ler n red colour ler my hand T__T
long time din touch dao bola tampar d
feel is reali nt same d le ~
那种feel is come back le ^_^
ply until rehat w all aso
dun gv back the bola >_<"

the time 过到很快叻~
w all ply 鋤大D wit yi kang lor ...
he ar 以为自己声音大就会赢lor ~
一直讲话...= =''
muachahahaha >_<
w all aso gt lose la ....
ply ply ply until sien jor .....
change other game ply ....
ten ten ten ten > heart attack ~
KY ply until 不耐烦..hehe coz
 she is the ppl tat take many card d 
thn ar她的cardss 要没有了的时候,
nvm la shan , me , ting , phuii phuii
ply onli lor ~
thn 放学lur ...
me n KY still wan wait the
SEKSYEN 3 d ppl finish skol wor ~
bt mine van is earlier thn ky d car la...
bt hor 到了SEKSYEN 3 still wan wait more
15-20 minute wor ....
差不多2.15pm 才开车走人!!
"gik sei" ar ...回家aso wan more thn 45 minute
reach home almost 3.00pm lor !!!!!
thn on9 lor ..............(*=^.^=*)


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